• TITLE Frostbitten Kitten.

  • AGE Unknown.

  • PRONOUNS He/Him.


  • TITLE Archeon of Elements.

  • AGE .

  • PRONOUNS She/Her.


  • TITLE Blade of Plum Blossoms.

  • AGE .

  • PRONOUNS He/Him.


  • TITLE Flower of the Deep.

  • AGE .

  • PRONOUNS She/Her.






  • TITLE Doman Shadow.

  • AGE 25.

  • PRONOUNS She/Her.


  • TITLE Voidtouched Reaper.

  • AGE 20s.

  • PRONOUNS He/Him.


  • TITLE Dragon's Heart.

  • AGE 19.

  • PRONOUNS She/Her.


  • TITLE Lady of Raining Ivy.

  • AGE 23.

  • PRONOUNS She/Them.


  • NAME M'uling [Ling] Skydancer.

  • ALIAS Azure Skydancer.

  • AGE Mid 20s.

  • PRONOUNS He/Him.

  • RACE Miqo'te - Seeker of the Sun.

  • NAMEDAY 11th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon.

  • SEXUALITY Pansexual.

  • ORIENTATION Top [Dominant].

  • BIRTH PLACE La Noscea.


  • CLASSES Warrior | Gunbreaker | Machinist.

  • OCCUPATION Information Broker | Mercenary | Bartender.


Adaptable, Clever, Confident, Observant, Passionate, Resourceful, Witty.

Casual, Freethinking, Humorous, Proud, Suave, Unpredictable.

Aloof, Blunt, Crafty, Egocentric, Haughty, Noncommittal, Opportunistic.

  • HAIR Pale Pink | Blue Highlights.

  • EYES Seaglass Green.

  • HEIGHT Fulm Ilm.

  • BUILD Fit | Scarred.

  • FEATURES Clan marks | Stubby Tail.

  • ITEMS Rings, Flask.


  • MOTHER M'rhulli Vefoh | Seeker | Alive | La Noscea.

  • FATHER A'kihn Tia | Seeker | Unknown | Unknown.

  • STEPFATHER M'hale Nunh | Seeker | Alive | La Noscea.

  • OLDER SISTER M'fuse Hale | Seeker | Alive | La Noscea.

  • YOUNGER BROTHER M'zumhe Tia | Seeker | Alive | La Noscea.

  • YOUNGER SISTER M'zalre Hale | Seeker | Alive | La Noscea.

ㅤOUTSIDER IN THE TRIBEㅤ M'uling grew up in La Noscea, living as an outsider to his family due to him not being born of the tribal nunh. He hated living within the tribe but had no means to survive outside it so he stayed, for a time. However, when his 'stepfather', the nunh of the tribe, decided to merit out a punishment for his constant rebellion, he found it as a means to finally leave at the early age of 15. Though he made sure to return the favor for the punish he had received before he left, two fold. He found his way to a ship with the aid of a young girl whom he met by chance. He was a stowaway at first, much to the annoyance of the two Lalafellin captains. But eventually, they found him good company and decided to let him join instead of throwing him overboard, almost becoming a son to them.

ㅤBECOMING THE SKYDANCERㅤ Life was good aboard the ship, he felt accepted, he gained skills he never thought he'd ever think he could. To fight, to make drinks, to gamble and better yet, how to gain information through all manner of means. He grew stronger than he ever felt back within the tribe and through the raids that crew would go on, he earned a moniker. 'Skydancer.' A name to which he gained due to his skills of climbing the rigging and attacking from above, with a hefty axe no less. It was also aboard this ship that he discovered his first love, an auri male who had been taken in similar to him. It was a blooming romance, one that took much of them to finally be realized. However, things didn't go to plan, in the worst way possible. Feeling betrayed, he felt it was time to continue his journey back on land, away from the sea.

ㅤMIND THE INFORMANTㅤ He will forever miss his time upon that ship, with his 'mothers' and dear comrades who became his new family. However, upon venturing further into the lands, he found a new means of surviving, having the skills to do so. He explored the woods of the Black Shroud, the sands of Thanalan and even the snowy lands of Coerthas. It was through these than he learned something that seemed to be ever in need in every single of these places. Information. Information was even more valuable than gold or food. With the right information, one could turn the tide in a feud or trade. As such, already having the skills to gather such information, he turned to gathering it, with many different means. Coin, gossip, serving drinks, sneaking around, even through intimate relations. This was his trade.







Ling has known Shato for a couple years but has only recently fallen into a relationship with the other, though it's more akin to a friends with benefits, at least that's what he thinks. He's denying his actual feelings regarding the other.


Similiar to Shato, only recently started dating Shira, who is already with Shato as well in a committed relationship. He enjoys teasing the larger male and seeing just how far he could push him. Like with Shato, he's also denying his feelings with Shira.


Ling has known for longer than he actually knows, the miqo'te being the young Au Ra who helped him escape to the sea. Still not knowing this fact, he still feel in love with the new Idris, who looks nothing like the Au Ra before.

relationship type

Feelings about character.

relationship type

Feelings about character.

  • SEXUALITY Pansexual.

  • POSITION Top [Dominant].

  • LENGTH 6 ilms.

  • GIRTH 1 1/5 ilm.

ㅤBody at a Glanceㅤ
M'uling is rather built for someone his size, short in stature but his body is clearly toned and showcases an athletic routine. He is not without scars though, his skin decorated by the marks, from both combat and otherwise. A key feature of his though is his tail, which is significally shorter than most miqo'te, a stub of a tail.

ㅤPast in Courtingㅤ
M'uling has an extensive background in the escorting business, be it with simply providing drinks, company or something more intimate. As a result, he has a keen eye for what someone might want and uses that knowledge to his advantage to better cater for them or simply show them a good time.

M'uling will by no means allow someone to control him. This pertains both in and out of the bedroom. He will always be the one in control, and if he's not, he will fight tooth and nail to get out of the situation. He will never let anyone have control over him again, he is is his own person, as a result, anyone who tries will find themselves either at the end of an ax, gun or claw.


bondage rough play biting scratching pain
size difference pet names name calling praise
group sex multiple partners teasing toys

  • NAME Dedra Naom.

  • ALIAS Dalmascan Druid.

  • AGE 47.

  • PRONOUNS He/Them.

  • RACE Viera - Rava.

  • NAMEDAY 8th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon.

  • SEXUALITY Pansexual.

  • ORIENTATION Switch [Submissive].

  • BIRTH PLACE Dalmasca.

  • RESIDENCE Shirogane.

  • CLASSES White Mage.

  • OCCUPATION Healer | Escort | Bartender.


Agreeable, Cheerful, Curious, Flexible, Kind, Sympathetic, Trusting.

Dreamy, Obedient, Open, Polite, Reserved, Soft.

Anxious, Delicate, Fearful, Hesitant, Insecure, Naive, Oblivious.

  • HAIR Dark Purple | Lilac Highlights.

  • EYES Silver.

  • HEIGHT 5 Fulm 2 Ilm.

  • BUILD Slim | Flexible.

  • FEATURES Scar over eye | Small Horns hidden under hair.

  • ITEMS Gem | Knit Bracelet.


  • MOTHER Ruljn | Rava | Alive | Dalmasca.

  • FATHER Jasyr | Rava | Dead.

  • SISTER Ukra | Rava | Unknown | Unknown.

  • SISTER Thraja | Rava | Unknown | Unknown.

  • SISTER Yrys | Rava | Unknown | Unknown.

  • SISTER Bjara | Rava | Unknown | Unknown.

  • TWIN SISTER Veis | Rava | Unknown | Unknown.

ㅤIn Dalmascaㅤ Dedra grew up on the streets of Dalmasca, with a warm family and caring community. It wasn't the easiest life but it was his and one that he enjoyed. He grew up happy. He always cared for others, be it animal or people, always trying to help them. It was a fault of his, something he never really grew out of, developing an almost need for it. However, his happy little life was to be thrown completely on it's head with the Garleans attacked. He was told to run, the same as his siblings, all of whom he lost sight of in the chaos. He managed to catch a ship leaving some port town some days later, on route to Eorzea. It was there his new life would begin, as well as many new discovering about himself.

ㅤTo Be A White Mageㅤ In his wanderings of Eorzea, he happened upon The Black Shroud. To Gridania. It was here he first encountered the Padjal, whom sensed something from him. Though he himself wasn't Padjal, at least as far as he knew, they took him in. It was through them he learned the art of conjuring, healing. And the art of a White Mage. It wasn't until much later he found out why. But even with that mystery solved, one remained. Just who was he? How did he have these abilities, these horns? It made no sense. Regardless, he took to exploring, deciding he'd find stories to record, be they his own or another's.

ㅤBack to the Eastㅤ After much exploring, he found his way back to Othard, but not his home. No, Dalmasca was still very much under the thumb of the Garlean Empire. Though, he wasn't without worry, for his family, his home, his friends. However, he had to continue forward, otherwise he'd never stop looking back. He traveled ever more, to the Ruby Seas and beyond. Until he happened upon a girl. One whom saw great potential in him. As such, she invited him to work with her. At an Okiya, a lounge, a bar. Hesitant at first, about the strange offer and even stranger woman. He did eventually accept though, because what better way to find stories than a lounge.

ㅤMingling with Yokaiㅤ After many years of working with Izayoi in her Okiya, he has grown a little more confident with himself. However, circumstances made him realize his glaring faults, as such, he wished to grow to better himself. Not only as an escort but as a better host and manager. He explored the streets of Kugane, finding other places to which he could relax and learn more, about the world and himself. And it was through this that he found his way to a bathhouse. One that catered to Yokai and man alike. Curious and almost entranced by the lure of the Yokai, he continued to frequent the bathhouse, to the point of actually seeking employment there. Perhaps he could learn more in spending his time there.


Dedra thinks of Izayoi as a close friend, someone who accepted him and helped him when he needed it. As such, he'd do anything for her if it meant as a means to pay her back.

growing friendship

Dedra doesn't know very much about Raizen yet but he considers the other a friend. He finds his jokes and company welcoming. He hopes to learn more about him and about Yokai.

growing friendship

Dedra only briefly met Friede a handful of times, but each time was a meaningful encounter. He feels a certain bond with the fae, likely due to his affinity with the forest elementals.


Dedra enjoys Yuugen's company and finds him rather entertaining to be around. He rather likes the fact Yuugen is energetic and athletic, showing him things he's never seen before. He wants to return the favor.


Dedra has only spoken with Saki a few times and mostly only under work conditions. But the few times he has spent time with her has been a calming and enjoyable experience, one he hopes will become one of friendship.

  • SEXUALITY Pansexual.

  • POSITION Bottom Switch [Submissive].

  • LENGTH Just over 3 ilms.

  • GIRTH Half ilm.

ㅤBody at a Glanceㅤ
Dedra has a fit, slim build and a youthful appearance, face and body. He is short in height and has wide hips with a well shaped ass. This is due to him being intersex, as such, his body has both genitalia. He has a relatively slim penis and a vagina under it, as well as working testicles and uterus. He has an androgynous face and his body is completely covered in tattoos, all the way from his shoulders to his hands, as well down his torso to his ankles.

ㅤTouch Sensitiveㅤ
Dedra is rather sensitive to touch, ghosting your fingers over his skin will make his hair stand on end. Certain areas could trigger a more intimate reaction, such as his ears, tail and spine. Stroking his ears or tail will make him putty in your hands, especially if done during cuddles. Trace up and down his spine sends shivers through him, while a tongue could make him moan.

ㅤEducated yet Inexperiencedㅤ
Dedra is a curious boy who is willing to try everything at least once, looking into and researching certain sexual acts and kinks. However, due to his inexperience in interacting with others, be it casually or intimately, he's shy and a little quite about all the kinks he's developed by himself.


Teasing Size-Difference Pet Names Praise Foreplay Aftercare Kissing Biting Sensory Play Edging
Body Worship Bondage/Shibari Orgasm Denial Oral (All)

ㅤㅤEscort workㅤㅤ

Sirensong Okiya
The first venue he worked at, staffed as a bartender, escort, bouncer and anything else that is needed in the moment. He is also a manager of staff.

Shinku Tatsu Bathhouse
A recent venue he's started work at, on staff as a bartender, attendant and masseur. He's still fairly new and getting used to the kind of work in the bathhouse.


ㅤDawntrail Relevant Characterㅤ
Nephrite is a character that is very closely tied to the events of the Dawntrail Expansion. As a result, much of his backstory and overall character is tied to the events that happen within the expansion. If you have yet to beat said expansion, I recommend skipping his backstory as it will reveal a lot about certain aspects of the expansion. You do not need to know what happens to be able to interact with him.

  • NAME Nephrite Niscence.

  • ALIAS Manticore Prime.

  • AGE 22.

  • PRONOUNS He/Him.

  • RACE Miqite [Miqo'te].

  • NAMEDAY 27th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon.

  • SEXUALITY Bisexual [Smol].

  • POSITION Verse [Dominant].

  • BIRTH PLACE Alexandria.

  • RESIDENCE Solution 9.

  • CLASSES Viper | Ninja.

  • OCCUPATION AAC Fighter | Trainer.


Alert, Confident, Daring, Honest, Neat, Playful, Spontaneous.

Active, Athletic, Casual, Physical, Sarcastic, Tough.

Aloof, Blunt, Crass, Extreme, Fiery, Impatient, Monstrous.

  • HAIR Red | Cerulean Highlights.

  • EYES Neon Green.

  • HEIGHT 8 Fulm.

  • BUILD Buff | Heavyset.

  • FEATURES Tattooed | Snake Fangs.

  • ITEMS Regulator | Pulse Bracelet.


  • MOTHER Tremolite | Miqite | Alive | Solution 9.

  • FATHER Jade | Miqite | Alive | Solution 9.

ㅤOf Alexandiraㅤ Nephrite is a true Alexandrian having been born during Zoraal Ja's reign as the King of Resolve, being raised in the more militarized state of Alexandria. His mother was a member of the group that protected their surroundings from stray fiends and other such dangers. He admired a lot because of it and as a result, wanted to do the same. As such, he would train any way he could, be it with others or by himself. Eventually he found he had a knack for blades, furthering his education with them, how to care for them, use them and what best way to utilize their styles. He became skilled with all manner of blades, from a dagger to a long sword.

ㅤBecoming A Arcadion Fighterㅤ From a young age he had always been so fascinated by the fighters within the Arcadions, who used ferals beasts as a means to fight and entertain. As he got older, it was something he was interested in. If not to become a protector, he could become an entertainer. It was also a way to learn how to fight in many different ways, so as a means to better increase his skills as a fighter. It wasn't easy to find a suitable soul to match his own, but when he did, it was like finding a missing piece of himself. He began to train to better suit the soul as well as further advance his body as a means to increase his own inner strength.

ㅤBoy from the Outskirtsㅤ After he had made quite a name for himself within the Arcadion circle, he encountered someone from outside Everkeep, a boy name Riley. He had stumbled upon Solution 9, seeming almost lost within the bright city. Deciding to provide a helping hand, he introduced Riley to his home and all it had to offer. It was through this singular encounter that the two of them grew closer, to the point that Riley moved to Solution 9. He doesn't know what he'd do without Riley around now that he's here to stay, deciding to take him under his care and look out for him from that point on.

ㅤBeyond the Domeㅤ Upon the opening of the dome into the lands of Tural and the fall of the King and Queen of Alexandria, he and Riley had decided upon taking this chance to explore what laid beyond. It was a home that Riley had never knew, and Nephrite was curious about this place that was pretty much the other's origin. Though he still takes the time to travel back to Everkeep for his matches in the Arcadion, he spends much time out in the world of Eorzea and beyond, exploring all that there is to explore at Riley's side.

friends with benefits

Nephrite feels a close bond with Riley, seeing him as not only someone he needs to protect but also to dominate. He wants to show Riley everything beyond his small world, pulling him into the open if need be.


Nephrite has known Opal since he was little and he has yet to ever fully understand them. He sees them as a second parent in a way, but also someone he can't always agree with, actively feeling at odds at times.

new toy

Nephrite finds Benkei a cute little guy that reminds him a bit of when he first met Riley. As such, he feels the need to pick him up and take him around to experience all the things he doesn't think he knows.

relationship type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

relationship type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

  • SEXUALITY Bisexual [Preference for Smaller People].

  • POSITION Verse [Dominant].

  • LENGTH 11 ilms.

  • GIRTH Over 3 ilm.

ㅤBody at a Glanceㅤ
Nephrite is very tall compared to miqite (miqo'te), having boosted his frame with body enhancements and growth supplements. This has thus made him bulkier as a result, in addition to his extensive exercise routine. His neon eyes and sharp fangs elude to other adjustments as well as a more bestial side to him. He's well endowed with a piercing right in the tip of his cock.

ㅤWatch the Tailㅤ
His tail is a major indicator of his mood, as such, many use it as a means of knowing when to best approach him, as well as when to steer clear. The base of his tail is also an endogenous zone for him, easily getting him into the mood, but when he is ramped up through this, he gets more rough and bity.

ㅤUnlease the Beastㅤ
Be careful when you tease him, as you might trigger a switch, one of which is very difficult to turn back off. He can become more aggressive and rough, leaving marks as well as using his partners until he's content. And unless you're already close to him emotionally, he'll simply leave after the deed is done, finding little desire to linger after a session like that.


Licking Biting Sensory Play Bondage Orgasm Control Teasing Choking Toys Gags Roughness Dirty Talking Corruption Hair Pulling Drugs/Alcohol Corruption

ㅤㅤMore than a fighterㅤㅤ

Nephrite has certain connections within the backstreets of Solution 9, allowing him access to exclusive clubs and goods. Some of these goods he'll even use in his more intimate relations, be they a substance or a toy. As a result, he is a guy you could talk to if you're looking for that kind of thing, but know that any favors or goods he provides, there is always a price for his 'services'.

  • NAME Sheires Kisne.

  • ALIAS The Dancer.

  • AGE 70s.

  • PRONOUNS He/Him.

  • RACE Viera - Rava.

  • NAMEDAY 10th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon.

  • SEXUALITY Bisexual [Male Leaning].

  • ORIENTATION Verse/Switch.

  • BIRTH PLACE Thavnair.

  • RESIDENCE Not Available.

  • CLASSES Dancer | Monk.

  • OCCUPATION Entertainer | Bodyguard.


Clever, Creative, Elegant, Intuitive, Lyrical, Observant, Vivacious.

Breezy, Hypnotic, Mystical, Proud, Sensual, Stylish.

Airy, Conceited, Extravagant, Fickle, Impulsive, Passive, Selfish.

  • HAIR Pale Pink | Pink Highlights.

  • EYES Pale Pink | Pale Purple.

  • HEIGHT 7 Fulm.

  • BUILD Fit | Athletic.

  • FEATURES Full Body Freckles.

  • ITEMS Earring | Ring.


  • MOTHER Cessa | Rava | Alive | Thavnair.

  • FATHER Bumanin | Rava | Alive | Thavnair.

  • Younger Sister Avrith | Rava | Alive | Thavnair.

  • Younger Sister Varli | Rava | Alive | Thavnair.

  • Younger Brother Vorialf | Rava | Alive | Thavnair.

ㅤDancer of Thavnairㅤ Sheires grew up within a family who were devoted to becoming practitioners of the Dancing Art of Thavnair, to bring joy and peace to all who witness it. As such, Sheires was raised much the same, along with his siblings. His father was one such Dancer, who traveled the lands to provide that joy to all in need of it. His mother was a teacher, who taught not only the dancing arts but also basic living. Once Sheires has fully mastered the art within his homeland, he desired to see more of the world, to continue spreading that joy and comfort to all who could need it. With his parents blessings, he left his home to travel the lands, not just of Thavnair but beyond.

ㅤEncounter with the Empireㅤ As he explored and discovered the many lands of the Realm, Eorzea and Othard. It was during his exploring of Othard that he came upon the Garlean army within Bozja, currently fighting against the citizens and army as a means to occupying the nation. Though Sheires had wanted nothing to do with it as a means of surviving, he had no choice as the some of the soldiers of the Empire chased after him. Sadly he wasn't able to outrun them and was soon captured. Due to his skills and ties to Thavnair, the higher ups of the Legion decided to take him on as a conscript, unwilling but put into chains as he was, he had no other choice. As such, there he was, stuck within the grasp of the IVth Legion as a lackey.

ㅤGaining Rank and Powerㅤ Many years under the service of the Empire, he fought to stay alive, both from fighting with other nations but also within the Legion itself. His skills at doing just that did eventually gain himself some attention of a Garlean, which did actually help him in some way, as that official did give him more freedom and means to survive by gaining a higher rank. However, such a privilege was not without a price, as this official wanted more than just his cooperation. Subjected to certain experimentation, he was pushed to test some new equipment and even concoctions that were formulated as a means to both control but also enhance certain individuals. It was through this experimentation and testing that he got the strength he needed. The means to escape.

ㅤOn The Runㅤ Upon finding the means to make his escape, he took it, fleeing his life within the Empire's company. Gaining an unnatural speed, he was now able to outrun the soldiers he had previously fallen victim to. With this speed, he escaped, never to look back. However, as a result, he now is on the run, as he had felt with their experiments still within him, it was not something they'd be willing to let go. As such, he found himself never able to stay in a single place for too long, fearful of being found and brought back. He couldn't return home either, having been changed from who he was before. First, he had to find out how to rid himself of the Garlean influence, then he could do such. Return home.


Sheires would do anything to forget the man who had changed him during his unwilling time with the Empire. He will be thankful if he never encounters the man ever again, dreading the mere thought of seeing him.

relationship type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

relationship type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

relationship type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

relationship type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

  • SEXUALITY Bisexual [Male Leaning].

  • POSITION Verse/Switch.

  • LENGTH 6 ilms.

  • GIRTH Under 2 ilm.

ㅤBody at a Glanceㅤ
Sheries is rather fit and has a build to match it, emphasized by his dancing background. His skin is freckled and has healthy glow to it. He gives off the aura of someone who has not only trained but also has traveled a long distance. However, he also bears marks of a troubled life as well, markings upon his body, but there isn't a randomness to it, some even forming letters.

ㅤMore Than Meets the Eyeㅤ
Bearing such markings upon his skin, it's clear that he's more than one would initially assume. Though he doesn't talk much about himself, aside from hailing from Thavnair and traveling the lands to spread his dancing. He's clearly hiding something more but it will take more than a simple inquiry to get that information, be it from him or another source.

ㅤThe Darker Side of Pleasureㅤ
Due to certain reasons, Sheires is experienced on certain pleasuring aspects that one might consider to be darker, such as commands in a more intimate setting. As such, he is used to be under someone else's control and when someone gives an order, be it to him or simply around him, he generally will move to listen unintentionally.


Sensory Deprivation Chains Collar Blindfold Rough
Over-stimulation Pain Hair Pulling Choking Bondage Multiple Partners Exhibitionism Commands Pet Names

As a verse, he can be either Dom or Sub, though within these roles he reacts differently.

As the more dominant role, he tends to be rather aggressive and controlling, leaving little room to 'fight' against him. However, it is relatively to flip the switch, so to speak.

When in a more submissive role, he falls into a near obedient state, following whatever command he's given almost unknowingly. This means that he is more easily influenced by his partner or party.